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History Walks

First Published 19/10/2022
Last Updated 10/01/2023

Full audio is now available for both North and South walks - over 30 points of interest with audio descriptions, and links to relevant photos and articles. You can get some exercise and walk the routes -both around 2 hours / 4 miles - or sit at home and listen to any or all that are of interest. Lead historian Helen Morgan and other local residents are helping out by recording their own narratives to replace some of my initial readings. Once all those are in, I'll also create some audio/visuals combining photos and audio.
N.B. Technological limitations mean different devices make it easier / harder to access the clips ; it's not possible to decsribe one way to play them for everybody. On my desktop you click on the headphones and they play automatically. On my Iphone, you click, then have to click the "down arrow" symbol top right to download and then choose either "view" (?) to play there and then or download for later. Android seems to let you play them by clicking on the headphones, then clicking the "play" button.
To make things easier if you are conducting the whole walk, I have created a full audio file for the two walks - then you only have to download one audio once on to your smartphone, which you can use offline as you walk around.
The North Walk - 4 miles, 2 hours
North Walk in Full (79 Mb) - 22/12/22
Item Audio Video Pictures & Documents Related Articles
N00-2 The North Walk
Colin Barnsley & Helen Morgan
N01 - Beech House + Shopping Parade
Helen Morgan
N02 - The Shops to the Station
Helen Morgan
N03 - Heald Green Station and the Telephone Exchange
Colin Barnsley
N04 - The Heald Green Hotel
Colin Barnsley
N05 - Manchester Airport
Colin Barnsley
N06 - Daisy Bank Cottages
Colin Barnsley
N07 - Brown Lane Methodist Church
Helen Morgan
N08 - Chamber Hall
Colin Barnsley
N09 - Pymgate Lodge
Colin Barnsley
N10 - Waterfall Farm and Gatley Golf Club
Colin Barnsley
N11 - Heald Green Theatre Company
Colin Barnsley
N12 - High Grove
Colin Barnsley
N13 - High Grove Farm Pub and Pigs Valley
Colin Barnsley
N14 - Milk Can Corner the A34 and Long Lane
Colin Barnsley
N15 - Cheadle Royal
Colin Barnsley
N16 - Heald Green's War Memorials
Colin Barnsley
N17 - The Griffin Pub
Helen Morgan
N18 - The Institute
Anna Charles-Jones
N19 - East Avenue Etchells Primary and the Park
Year 5 Etchells Primary Schoolchildren (2022)
N20 - Christ Church and Hope Farm
Colin Barnsley
N21 - St Ann's Hospice
Helen Morgan
N22 - Heald Green Library Health Centre and Heald's Dairy
Helen Morgan

The South Walk - 4 miles, 2 hours
The South Walk In Full (76 Mb) - 10/1/23
Item Audio Video Pictures & Documents Related Articles
S00-2 The South Walk
Colin Barnsley & Helen Morgan
S01 - Beech House + Shopping Parade
Helen Morgan
S02 - St. Catherine's Church
Colin Barnsley
S03 - The Village Hall
Colin Barnsley
S04 - Oldhall Farm and The Clarion Club
Helen Morgan
S05 - Maintenance Unit 61
Colin Barnsley
S06 - Bolshaw Primary School
Year 5 Etchells Primary Schoolchildren
S07 - Yew Tree and Nixon's Farms
Colin Barnsley
S08 - Hurlbote Tollmaster's House
Helen Morgan
S09 - St. Columba's Church and the Mosque
Colin Barnsley
S10 - The Waggon and Horses and Heald Green's Southern Boundary
Colin Barnsley
S11 - Griffin Farm
Colin Barnsley
S12 - United Reformed Church
Colin Barnsley
S13 - Heald Green's War Memorials
Colin Barnsley
S14 - The Griffin Pub
Helen Morgan
S15 - The Institute
Anna Charles-Jones
S16 - East Avenue Etchells Primary and the Park
Year 5 Etchells Primary Schoolchildren
S17 - Christ Church and Hope Farm
Colin Barnsley
S18 - St. Ann's Hospice
Helen Morgan
S19 - Heald Green Library Health Centre and Heald's Dairy
Helen Morgan

Can You Help Us Improve The Museum?
Do you have any related personal memories, photos or documents that you can share with us on any topic?
Are any of our facts incorrect?
Contact us at, or via our Heald Green Heritage Facebook Page.
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